Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What do you think of these "lovely" Obama supporters on TheObamaForum?

"White America owes African Americans. Obama has said that he will deliver healthcare to the people by the end of the year. If nothing is done, we all could lose. The tea party racist must be dealt a swift blow.


For struggle, Solidarity and Socialism! I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Obama. Our laws and his will, according to him. We will not overthrow the government with violence. We shall stand, remain and be the law of his realm forever. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead for Obama to deliver them from evil. "…

Wow, violence and threats from the Obama supporters, the Red Devil as he goes by lives in public housing in Chicago, isn't that Obama's home town and the area that Obama "organized"?

And they call the 80 year old's a "mob" at a Town Hall meeting?What do you think of these "lovely" Obama supporters on TheObamaForum?

Obama and His Supporters are just like Hitler and his Supporters were, during 30's.

Samey, Samey.
kool aid drinkers just like the liberals on AnswersWhat do you think of these "lovely" Obama supporters on TheObamaForum?
I owe Black Americans NOTHING…

Read the first post.

Looks like Conservatives have even fallen for their own gags.What do you think of these "lovely" Obama supporters on TheObamaForum?
Not so lovely.
Dude, it's obvious that site is satire.
Lie with dogs, you get fleas.
Oh dear God...

What is wrong with these people? They're obviously intelligent enough to know how to work that durn computer. So why can they not gain some basic knowledge about government, and reality?

you duped yourself, nice one!
Obama shares a dream with current World Dictators, the Taliban and Al Qaeda for a Post American World.

Obama said “America is the greatest country in the world, and I hope you will join me in changing that."

Obama said in his book 'Audacity of Hope', “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction what better place for the Muslins to control our country, than in the office of the President of USA.”

The American Problems Obama wants to fix are the World’s Problems with America.

Obamas believes wrecking the American economy will fix the World’s Problems with America.

Never in the history of the United States has a president and his party worked so actively against the interests of his own people.

Obama is a pain in the a s s for America and an aid and comfort to America's enemies.

A person can’t truly love America and Obama too, for to truly love one is to truly hate the other.

Semper Fi
Wow, you are a sucker. You can't see a satirical site for what it is?

I have some real estate you might be interested in. It's on the moon. Great deal.
I as an American do not owe any man, black, white, asian, hispanic or any various other a single thing. What ever they think they are owed due to things that happened before even my grandparents parents were born is way long gone, and needs to be forever put to rest. That might end this nonsense. It should be no longer allowed as a reason for anything.
That place is a joke site, most likely taking over by members from 4chan.
What was that "red devil" fellow doing when I came home from VietNam ?

Do you think he was out there helping us ? I didn't see him ! I guess deliverance took that day off !
Yikes, some of those, huh?

Yeah, right, that's really such an oh so very amusing forum.
Typical liberals.
I read the forum.... and before I finished reading your question I read the forum and lol It was funny, yea the Red Blade..... he gave me a good laugh, there was racism even in their avatars..... and that BergBuilder guy Im not so sure if he was legit, I thought it was just a bunch of obama-diehards

I liked the Barack H. Obama guy!
Are you saying that those supporters equate to the tens of millions of voters' views that elected Obama into the highest office?

I don't care if the users of that thread had fake s.n.'s or not. Those people do not speak for my views and neither will it be projected in the President's agenda. The Obama grassroots movement first started off as a non-partisan, united front that was meant to be inclusive of people of all backgrounds. To say that Obama is a black separatist because of a few bad apples is baseless without proof from the president's own words and actions.

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