Wednesday, January 25, 2012

If socialism is so good, why did the public housing projects fail in the 1970's and 80's?

The public housing projects were transformed into uninhabitable crime ridden slums, due to the actions of the occupants.

Most of them have been demolished, including the "Good Times" project in Chicago.

Why can't people see the reality of the failure of socialism in the USA?If socialism is so good, why did the public housing projects fail in the 1970's and 80's?
Housing was made available to mostly those who always get stuff for free and do not care to take care of what is given them. They expected others, as usual, to come in and take care of of them. A free lunch so to speak. It was a waste of money. Destroyed by those given free or reduced housing. There are many people who own homes a hundred or so years old yet public housing buildings were destroyed after 15 to 20 years or so. Another Democrat socialist plan gone wrong.
Some things work others don't. The failure of the projects is largely due to the people within. Germany is a socialist country. It works very well.

Think of socialism as an encircled wagon train protecting those within.

Lets take a look at what socialism in America has done thus far to benefit us all.

%26gt;Toll free highways are one. Imaging what traveling would be like if toll booths were stationed up and down our freeways.

%26gt;Everybody chipping in their fair share for a strong military has worked out pretty well.

%26gt;America's public school system is responsible for putting man on the moon as well as eradicating many of the worlds most dreaded diseases.

%26gt;Our GPS system keeps ships and planes from colliding as well as oil ships from running aground has worked out exceedingly well.

%26gt;And then there is the obvious with police, fire, and our library's.

Want me to go on?

Socialism has played an integral part in making America great.If socialism is so good, why did the public housing projects fail in the 1970's and 80's?
I knew someone was going to bring up SS and Medicare, and Mr. Magoo chimed in just as I thought. Do not be fooled into thinking that SS and Medicare are successful socialist policies. Both programs are going broke and requiring a larger and larger portion of tax dollars every year. The test for the success of the program is not whether the recipients like it, but whether it is sustainable. SS and Medicare are clearly not sustainable, and all they have done it produce a work force who no longer saves for their own retirement.
Public housing projects are not the only socialist program in the US. Others are Social Security and Medicare, both of which are successful - just try telling a senior you are going to take away those programs and see how far you get.If socialism is so good, why did the public housing projects fail in the 1970's and 80's?
We do realize socialism doesn't work.

The problem is that most people don't know the definitions of socialism vs social projects.
Are you saying that Israel is a failed state?

Israel is a socialist nation...
socialism isn't good, PERIOD!!
Another liberal program gone bust.
Because making men into dependent leeches can never have good results..
social security is a huge ponzi scheme. young people put way more money into it than they will get out of it.
You win some, you lose some.
because of the type of people that lived in them.
They ran out of other people's money

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