Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's winter, why not just shut off all utilities if they refuse to move?

A federal judge has given the last two families in the last high-rise at Chicago's Cabrini-Green public housing project 10 days to move out.

U.S. District Judge William Hibbler said Wednesday it is more dangerous to keep the 134-unit building open for two families than it is to relocate them.

The Chicago Housing Authority filed an emergency motion Tuesday seeking the closure. That came after two families refused to move out.

The last families in the high-rise originally were given until January to move. But the date was shifted as families moved and the building dropped below what officials consider to be a safe occupancy level.

The housing agency had said in a statement late Tuesday that it was "continuing to work with the remaining families" at the building.It's winter, why not just shut off all utilities if they refuse to move?
Sounds good on paper, but those people would probably burn the place down trying to keep warm.It's winter, why not just shut off all utilities if they refuse to move?
Eh... they would just claim that their civil rights are being violated.

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