Sunday, January 29, 2012

Isn't Obama's $3M Planetarium in Chicago still less expensive than even one of McCain's houses?

Why did McCain get all giddy when he was talking about Obama's "earmark" expense of a 3 million dollar planetarium?

Don't we want the tax money to fund things for the public, like science and technology?

Where does McCain's $300 Billion dollar plan go?

To buy back mortgages that the bail-out should have covered...

I say go ahead and "earmark" to your hearts content as long as the tax payer is actually getting something in return...

What do you think?Isn't Obama's $3M Planetarium in Chicago still less expensive than even one of McCain's houses?
I agree, earmarks are good when used properly, 3m for a planetarium that will probably be host to thousands of school field trips, earning the money back and paying it forward through education...As far as McCains houses though, those were purchased with Joe- 6 packs beer money and they are technically cindy's but point taken.

As was made evident in many reports yesterday on the sheriff that won't evict people any more because most of the time the people living in these bank forclosure properties are renters, why bail out these Property owners or banks? readjust the loans interest rates so the real homeowners that need to stay in their homes can stay there and continue to pay their mortgages and let the speculators and house flippers and investment properties go back to the bank ( or the taxpayers via the bailout)

Careful with Class hatred.

Obama is an ivy league lawyer,, his wife used to clear a cool half a million every year as some sort of corporate consultant.

The Democrats are the one with Monarchy fetish for the Kennedy Clan.

You don't want people to realize the Democrats are run by the super-rich too.

I'd stay away from McCain's Plan to clean up the Fannie Mae Sub-Prime loan mess too. That was the Democrats in action.

Isn't Obama's $3M Planetarium in Chicago still less expensive than even one of McCain's houses?
Agreed. God forbid Americans be educated about science. But let's spend billions on Puerto Rican rum and Nascar tracks! Little "goodies" in the bailout bill McCain voted for. No, no, no, planetariums are a ridiculous thing to spend money on. Especially when the Bible tells us everything there is to know about space, anyway.

(I'm afraid the point went completely over their heads, didn't it? Oh well.)
Comparing someones own sucess in saying they have X amount of houses, isint using government funds.

if he wants to buy 30 houses with his or his wifes salary, more power to him. since when do we punish sucess in america? thought that was the american dream

obama isint using his own money, hes using our money and sending it back to his home state.

Epic failIsn't Obama's $3M Planetarium in Chicago still less expensive than even one of McCain's houses?
That planetarium is used to educate children about our universe. It's not a shocker McCain opposes money going to education. The more educated someone is the less likely they are to vote Republican. The GOP is for stupid people.
McCain bought his houses with his money that he earned. Chicago bought their Disneyland attraction with MY money! theres a difference. Is there a brain in that house plant you have for a head?
Yeah, but the key difference here is that John McCain earned the money to buy his house whereas Obama begged the Government for the money.
Hey Einstein, McCain used his OWN money to buy his homes. Obama used tax payers money! BIG difference!
John didn't buy his houses with government money. FYI...John McCain has never in his ENTIRE career asked for a single nickle in earmarks......$000000000000! Obama.......1 million dollars for every day he was a senator!
I do not think McCains house was purchased using earmarks therefor your question isn't relevant.

NO earmarks present a separate and individual proposal. Why are law makers afraid of that?
McCain has an axe to grind towards anything educational... Knowledge and learning does not bode well for building and maintaining a GOP base.
McCain hates science. He thinks that's for "elitists."
One thing that McCain loves about Palin is that they both hate science. Any science project to them is pork barrel.
I think you don't understand that we don't have the money to earmark all these projects.
did the tax payers pay for McCain's house?

Pretty sad reach there, pal.
Ha Ha, and how much did we give Palin to NOT build her bridge to nowhere? $400M
Three million dollars is a trickle in the waterfall of money that is tossed around in Washington, and it obviously has been used for a project that enhances the public in Chicago. How wonderful of Obama to ask for money to promote Scientific Education in Chicago, where there are many little children who are never exposed to the skeleton of a dinosaur or a tankful of tropical fish.

McCain's plan to bail out homeowners has only one huge hitch. His plan includes buying houses at market value. That means they will be bought at the higher prices that they SHOULD be earning, but unfortunately are not and may not be selling for those higher prices for many, many years. I had thought this meant that the houses would be bought for the price they are worth today, but the economist said no, they would be bought for the price on the mortgage. So this will be a huge loss for the taxpayers. This information came from the economic expert on CNN, who said McCain's plan is not a good one because of this hitch.

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