Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is it refreshing to see blacks turn against Barack Obama and his lies?

After all, Obama's land was bought and paid for with public housing money stolen from the residents of South Chicago by Tony Rezko. The same guy who has paid all of Obama's recent campaigns.|||I don't care what color anyone is as long as they stand up for the truth. Obama doesn't have what it takes to be president and folks are starting to see through him.|||No. It's sad and I don't like it. I wish "black people" like you can leave the slave mentality behind and support each other like other minorities do. We are no longer slaves. We don't have to fight for the big house. I don't know if you are really black or pretending to be black but I think you need to seek professional help. You hate yourself and your race. We are all black from the Mariah Carey to Wesley Snipes. These are all lies by the right wing. I can't believe you believe this crap. There is more to the story than the false lies by Fix News. Rezko was convicted and the charges have no connection to Senator Obama. Even if you don't vote for Obama, you don't have to tear him down. I will never vote for racist. You can vote for McCain. He called blacks tar babies. Do you have any source or proof to your claim? %26gt;%26lt;

The Swiftboating of Obama

Written by Chet

Monday, 07 January 2008

Two different people have sent me two emails in the past 24 hours. They're the sort of e-mails I'd expect to see from the desk of Karl Rove. In fact, I'd bet his fingerprints are all over these.

Here's the first of them:

Obama mentioned his church during his appearance with Oprah. It's the Trinity Church of Christ. I found this interesting.

Obama's church: Please read and go to this church's website and read what is written there. It is very alarming.

Barack Obama is a member of this church and is running for President of the U.S. If you look at the first page of their website, you will learn that this congregation has a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. No where is AMERICA even mentioned. Notice too, what color you will need to be if you should want to join Obama's church... B-L-A-C-K!!! Doesn't look like his choice of religion has improv ed much over his (former?) Muslim upbringing.

Strip away his nice looks, the big smile and smooth talk and what do you get? Certainly a racist, as plainly defined by the stated position of his church! And possibly a covert worshiper of the Muslim faith, even today. This guy desires to rule over America while his loyalty is totally vested in a Black Africa!

I cannot believe this has not been all over the TV and newspapers.

This is why it is so important to pass this message along to all of our family %26amp; friends. To think that Obama has even the slightest chance in the run for the presidency, is really scary.

Click on the link below:

This is the web page for the church Barack Obama belongs to:

(from the e-mail I got)

I haven't clicked on the link, and I'm not going to. Here's the link I did click on that debunks the important stuff in this ridiculous Rovean attack.

Here's the other Karlesque e-mail.

Who is Barack Obama?

Something that should be considered when you make your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your is very scary to think of what could lie ahead for us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it.

We checked this out on "". It is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white Athiest from Wichita, Kansas.

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii . When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that he is not a radical.

Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta.

Wahabism is the RADICAL ISLAMIC teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegience nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!

(the other e-mail I got)

Both of these e-mails are pure rubbish, but this second one is especially crap. It's not that "the Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out," it's that some radical muslims have said that. That's like saying "the Americans have said they plan on destroying the US from within" because Grover Norquist and his followers have said they want to drown the Department of Education in a shallow bathtub. It's pure dishonesty.

They tell you to go to not because they want you to go to, but because they want you to not go to They figure stupid people will read that and say, "They wouldn't challenge me to go look at Snopes if they hadn't done so themselves." But the opposite is true: Snopes has poked both of these e-mails all full of holes already. I'll give you a rundown on some of what they've debunked:

There is no evidence that Barak Obama is a "radical, ideological Muslim." (read this whole thing)

Obama once failed to put his hand over his heart during the anthem. (for the record, I'm guessing I have too; and so have you.)

The author of this e-mail (probably intentionally) confuses Obama with Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison, who did take his congressional oath using a copy of the Koran.

Bottom line: This is going to be a nasty election. Karl Rove's fingerprints will be all over this entire election. Don't believe either side's mud. Look it up for yourself.|||No. I hate when blacks against each other. White people love seeing that shiz. Do you think whites on here care about your black booty. No. They are just glad you're not voting for Senator Obama. You are just the n-word to them and will always be the n-word to them. We need to leave the Willie Lynch Syndrome behind us. I think the black race should be in Unity. If you are "really" black, you need to stop believing everything white is right. Stop spread Right Wing propaganda like white folks without having the facts to back it up.

"Did Obama know that Tony Rezko was saving him $300,000 on the purchase of his home?"

Republican National Committee on Wednesday, June 4th, 2008 in a news release

No proof Rezko saved Obama money on home

It didn’t take long for the Republican Party to pounce after Antoin “Tony” Rezko, a prominent former fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama, was convicted on June 4, 2008, on federal charges of fraud and money laundering as part of Illinois’ pay-to-play politics.

The very day of the conviction, the Republican National Committee crafted a news release titled, “Obama Must Answer Questions so the American People Can Decide.”

One of those questions: “Did Obama know that Tony Rezko was saving him $300,000 on the purchase of his home?”

By asking if Obama knew about it, the question presumes the claim is true: that Rezko did, in fact, save Obama $300,000 on the purchase of his home.

Now it's true that Obama paid $300,000 less than the asking price for a century-old mansion that he and his wife, Michelle, purchased from a Chicago doctor in 2005 for $1.65-million.

And on the same day the Obamas closed on their house, Rezko’s wife, Rita Rezko, bought a vacant lot next door from the same seller for $625,000, the full asking price. Obama said it was his understanding that there was another offer besides the Rezkos' for the vacant lot at or near the asking price, thereby setting the market.

The Obama campaign has posted an e-mail from the seller, Frederic Wondisford, confirming that Obama’s offer on the house was the best one. In the letter, the seller says he rejected two lower offers from the Obamas before the two sides finally settled at $1.65-million.

The seller also confirmed that he did not offer or give the Obamas a discount on the house price on the basis of the price offered and accepted on the adjacent vacant lot purchased by Rezko's wife.

Lastly, Wondisford confirmed that it was he who insisted the closing for the two properties be completed on the same day.

Donna Schwan, with MetroPro Realty, which listed both the house and the vacant lot, recalled that there were several offers on both the house and the lot, though she could not remember the amount of those other offers and said she has since discarded the offer sheets.

"The most important thing to the sellers was to close on the same day," Schwan said, as they did not want one of the properties to sit unsold, alone.

The sellers also required the buyers to put off the closing until June 15, after their children had gotten out of school.

The fact that the Rezkos agreed to purchase the vacant lot on that date in mid June, "could have been to their (the Obamas') advantage, absolutely," Schwan said.

"Each was contingent on the other selling," she said.

"Whoever was willing to close on that date, if they made a reasonable offer, that's who they went with," Schwan said.

One could certainly argue that the Rezkos' purchase, and their flexibility on the closing date, helped assure that the Obamas' offer was accepted. The real estate agent made clear that getting the two properties sold at the same time was a priority for the seller.

But that's still a long way from saying the Rezkos saved the Obamas $300,000. The GOP offers no proof that the price paid by the Obamas was anything other than a matter of negotiation, or that the Obamas would have had to pay $300,000 more if not for the Rezkos' purchase. In fact, the seller specifically confirmed that the Obamas' offer of $1.65-million was the best offer he received on the house. Further, the seller confirmed that he did not offer the Obamas a discount on the price of the house "on the basis of or in relation to the price offered and accepted on the lot."

Having the Rezkos as flexible buyers on the vacant lot might have helped the Obamas get the house they had been trying to buy, but there's just nothing to support the GOP claim that the Rezkos saved the Obamas $300,000. We say False.|||no. we dont care about color in this country. it is really sad that someone even brings up **** like this. it is really sad that young blacks are actually voting for obama in such numbers without realizing that he is not good for our country.

his dad was Kenyan. obama is not African American like you guys. african americans are descendants of slaves. obama comes from an elite family in kenya. he was educated in elite schools. he is not some american dream. he is just using race to get your votes. he has not done anything for you guys. mccain has.

voting for affirmative action is not everything. affirmative action is a thing of past. we should do away with it. we are all equal and same. whites dont go home thinking bad of blacks. we have our own lives to live, and some of our friends are black.

dont bring race in to this election. vote for the country. would you go to a bad doctor if you had a choice to go to a white or a black doc? you would go to the better doc, not based on color! the president will decide your and even your children's lives.|||No, man. I think you're a sick and need professional help. If you are really black, you hate yourself and your race!|||No. I think white folks love you black asz. You are a good n-word for them. If you are really black, you are sick and need professional help. You hate yourself and your black race!!!! The lies you just said are all lies from the white Right Wing proprodanda that doesn't want to see a black man come up including your black asz! I feel sorry for you. You are an embarrassment to the black race!! |||3 people!!! Delusion suits you. Keep up the good work.|||Only INTELLIGENT African Americans see this fool for what he is. The rest of the African Americans in this country just see him as a black man running for Presidency and therefore, because he is black he will get there votes. They don't care that he is an empty suit and that he has actually turned on his own and Jesse Jackson was right. Obama talks down to the black community. Just more people that he has thrown under the bus and if he is elected you can bet America will be the next thing that will be under the Obama tour bus.. |||I'd like to see some evidence of this kthxbai.|||no|||I don't know if thats true but I hope that in this election skin color won't be a factor into which candidate people chose. Unfortunatly I feel that a good number of Obama's supporters are supporting him based on his skin color (reverse Racism). I hate all the hype going into the election because Obama could be the first black president. That shouldn't be a reason to vote for him. All these equal rights activists are voting for Obama (like Oprah) because they want to see a black president. Aren't they going against what they preach since their basing their desicions on race? Anyways, the same goes for white people. If you vote for McCain because he is white, then your a prick as well. People should look at their credentials and only their credentials. This shouldn't be a Racial election, but unfortunetly we have a media which feeds on racial isues to furthe divide our country.|||Thank you--it is a fact not just the black community but the caucasion and others can see what bo really is--hopefully it's not to late.

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