Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is Obama Proud That Chicago, Illinois Is Now The Murder Capital?

Since Obama and his politician friends made it nearly impossible for people to own hand guns legally- the violence is out of control. The politicians have been destroying the public schools for decades- they teach hate in Chicago. Now they want the same policies they did in Chicago for the rest of America? We have those same policians in our White House pushing their idiotic laws to destroy America as a whole now.Is Obama Proud That Chicago, Illinois Is Now The Murder Capital?
What in god's Green Acres has Chicago to do with Obama? You are REALLY nuts. As a senator, he represented the state and as president the country, but as for Chicago, he simply lived there. Why, if you think you have ANY reasonable reason for your posting, why don't I just post, "Is Boss Limbaugh happy with the US being 37th in the world in infant death? He's a baby killer, right?"Is Obama Proud That Chicago, Illinois Is Now The Murder Capital?
Yes, he personally shoots a couple people there every weekend he gets off.Is Obama Proud That Chicago, Illinois Is Now The Murder Capital?
Why are you being racist? You're just jealous because black men are taking over!

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