Sunday, January 29, 2012

FLOTUS Michelle gave a commencement speech in which she encouraged public service...what did she ever do?鈥?/a>

Drawing on her personal journey from the South Side of Chicago to an Ivy League degree and then finally to the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged graduates to serve their communities in her commencement address at the University of California at Merced.FLOTUS Michelle gave a commencement speech in which she encouraged public service...what did she ever do?
She worked as a hospital administrator and was paid around $300k a year. I guess she decided that paid better than community service.
get 300grand jobs at hospitalsFLOTUS Michelle gave a commencement speech in which she encouraged public service...what did she ever do?
What's good for you is too "dirty" for her.
She only married Barrack, that was her service. and those conservatives that the above complained about, that probably did serve, Its the libs that praise the military while sticking it to them when their backs are turnedFLOTUS Michelle gave a commencement speech in which she encouraged public service...what did she ever do?
When she worked at a Chicago hospital she was well paid, her husband got some legislation passed that got that hospital a huge grant , low and behold overnight her income was tripled by the hospital, and when she left they didn't even replace the position ! She most have had a really important job !
She was giving a commencement speech encouraging public service, you waste your time throwing mud. Typical right winger.
Yea like write a thesis about the hating America; went to a hate mongering church; got a no show cushy job from the influence of her husband in the 300,000 range; got in an ivy league college with tuition paid; Yea...she paid her dues...such B.S. The woman is a radical/socialist who tells the Prolitariet to give back and sacrifice but does she and her husband...Yes, on Wed. night they have $100 a lb steak..with drinks with the Conga line; and living the high life..Did she ever go to Africa to help the poor like Cindy McCain? No...she talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk...
Made dressing like a 3rd class dweeb not only acceptable, but popular.
Whatever she did it seemed to have required $550 shoes and $600 earrings.
I know! It's just like when a hypocritical chicken-hawk Conservative praises our fine military for volunteering to keep his/her butt safe. The nerve of some people!
She helped her local school, aided children through college. Helped the relief efforts in New Orleans, ground zero, and earthquake victims.

She aided at homeless shelters and donated to her local communites.

She even took in a homeless man living outside her home.

That is what she did.

I looked it up!

Good try though.
Michelle Obama already did more for our country than you ever will, Neocon.
that woman gets up everyday of her life and sets out to help children and the less fortunate, FOR FREE. be for real.

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