Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why were some things hidden from me prior to the elections?

Only recently after doing my own research had I found out these things AFTER I voted for Obama.

1. Called his Grandmother a "Typical White Person" when it comes to her racial "issues"

2. Stayed in Rev. Wrights Church for 20 years (Yes 20) When I was lead to believe he was only there for a short time, and Obama left when he found out the controversial things that were said.

3. Palin NEVER said "I can see Russia from my house" ... That was a skit on SNL and Tina Fey had said it making a joke.

4. Obama stated in 2006 that he didnt have enough experience to put himself on the Presidential Ticket in 2008, and he believes he needed a lot more before even considering it.

5. Obama voted "Present" more then he voted Yay/Nay while serving in Chicago.

6. Obamas first ever political win was by having the 2 other candidates kicked off the ballot 24hours before the voting was to start, not enough time for them to get back on the ballot.

7. Obama had done illicit drugs through school, and even admitted it.

There are a LOT more. I didnt like to watch Fox or CNN, I was mostly watching PBS and MSNBC to get my news, Im just curious HOW all these facts werent brought out to light for everyone to see? Yes I should have informed myself more before voting.... But shouldnt all of these things have been made more public?|||Obama NEVER had the deep investigative push that every othere candidate had. You listed only what you have recently heard, but there are dozens more that have been allowed by the news media, to "die out". There's really only ONE relevant issue that remains serious and highly suspicious today. WHY won't Obama release his school records, transcripts and papers ?

His "cultists" and Obama himself ALWAYS talk about his brilliance, but why not PROVE it beyond any doubt. There are numerous reasons Obama DOESN'T want them released, because certain information if exposed, means he LIED and DECEIVED the public. He NEVER would have survived the first round in the campaign, if "certain" facts had been known.|||No. The fact is that the news organizations are private corporations that have partnerships with the government. You know only what they want you to know. Both political parties are corrupt, and at the very top they are run by the same people. While they apprear to be such enemies on certain issues, they will always vote in agreement on the ones that matter to the elites.|||They were made public. You just weren't paying attention.

MSNBC, well there's your problem. They were practically campaigning for Obama.|||Most was available but the MSM wanted to ensure 0bama was elected, so failed to do ANY due diligence and buried negative stories...|||I bet they never mentioned ACORN on MSNBC or PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS or any other liberal media either.

No wonder people that really want to know what's going on watch FOX.|||I never get into the Fox/CNN/MSNBC arguments because they all have their faults, but Fox was reporting on these events.|||Sorry for your luck (and mine) but Fox News is the only True news source out there.|||Ever hear of rigging?|||All of these (true or not, some of these are false or half truths) were all over the place well before the election.

I believe you just called yourself an uninformed voter...good job.|||Yes they should have, SO now you have learned of the media bias in our country, only you can educate and inform yourself the media will only show you things they want you to know whether its fact or fiction. If you want to know about things on a more upfront scale check out Glen Beck on Fox. Hes really the only one reporting the real truth that no other media outlet or reporter is talking about, not even anyone on Fox. Give him a spin for a week if you don't like him change the channel.|||It wasn't hidden and it was all openly reported. So glad President Obama won!|||I wish george bush could have had aother term. GO JOHN MCAIN FOR 2013 or 12 (i forgot how long it is) election|||Why would you want to base your vote on a lot of misleading out-of-context campaign rhetoric?

These things are not "facts" - they are diversions from facts, if not out and out lies.

Palins comments about Russia were not much better than the Tina Fay joke:

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They鈥檙e our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.|||Oh man... who knows why things like this surface AFTER and election? Almost all politics are crooked and corrupt. Perhaps Obama paid the media to keep quiet about it and now that he's elected already, its not so important to keep it a secret? Perhaps all these things above are lies designed to pit us against our president? They sure are making a big deal about how he bows to foreign leaders, why not make up something juicy?

Who knows with Washington. The only way to know the REAL truth is to be Obama himself.

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