Thursday, February 16, 2012

Father beats up son , lies to the cops and now the son is in Juvenile Hall? Continued?

The mother of the 16 year old goes to pick up her 16 year old son from the father's house because it is her weekend to see her son and finds out that her son is in juvenile hall. When the mother gets to juvenile hall her 16 year old cannot be released and has to speak with a public defender on Monday. The mother visits her 16 year old son for 1 1/2 hours and the son tells the mother the story. The son has a black eye, several bumps on his head,one of his ears is redish purple and swollen and he has cuts on his elbows and arms. The police do not take any pictures of the son at all, the father is in Chicago and has not spoken to his son and the mother is never notified until the school princeapal calls her. Now what? There is something wrong with this and the system and society that we live in. I just dont get it!|||yes, go to media. this is the kind of story they love, ahem* no offense. with media backing u, much better chance for teen. i may channel 7 news is doing a series of injustice stories or something so try going there. Definitely take pics of injuries. Since his mom obviously care about him, get her full custody of him.

and yes, life is very unfair. And get a lawyer.

and again, good luck.|||That happened to me in 1991. Bullshit! I did nothing wrong. SOB probably lied. Just like my step dad lied. Kid should go live with mom.|||Call your state rep they should be able to help you find free console or point you in the right direction of who to talk to.Also i would take the story to the news media .The police did not follow protocol they should have taken him to a hospital and took pictures.

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