Monday, February 13, 2012

Why is the msm not giving Cindy Sheehan coverage when she's protesting the war when Obama is president?

She got LOTS of coverage while protesting Bush and the war.


War Coverage and the Obama Cult

There was a time when Cindy Sheehan couldn’t go anywhere without having a microphone and a TV camera stuck in front of her. As she camped out in front of George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch, mourning the death of her son Casey in Iraq and calling attention to an unjust, unnecessary, and unwinnable war, the media created in her a symbolic figure whose public agony epitomized a growing backlash against the militarism and unmitigated arrogance of the Bush administration. It was a powerful image: a lone woman standing up to the most powerful man on earth in memory of her fallen son.

Touting "an exclusive interview with Cindy Sheehan" on Good Morning America, four years ago ABC anchorman Charles Gibson intoned: "Standing her ground. She lost her son in Iraq, she opposes the war, now she’s camped out at President Bush’s ranch and says she won’t leave until he meets with her."

The level of coverage only increased in the coming days and weeks. As Cindy continued her vigil, Gibson enthused:

"All across the country protests against the war in Iraq, inspired by the mother standing her ground at President Bush’s ranch."

Flashing across their television screens, viewers saw the headline “MOM ON A MISSION: IS ANTIWAR MOVEMENT GROWING?” as Gibson averred:

“This morning a war of words. All across the country protests against the war in Iraq, inspired by the mother standing her ground at President Bush’s ranch. But is anyone in the White House feeling the heat?”

That was then. This is now: in an interview [.mp3] with Chicago’s WLS radio on Aug. 18, Gibson was asked whether his network planned to cover Sheehan’s plans to travel to Martha’s Vineyard, where she is protesting the escalation of the war in Afghanistan while President Obama is vacationing there. Gibson’s answer:

"Enough already."


Demonstrates perfectly the hypocrisy and double standard of the liberals in the mainstream media. The mindset of these clowns is identical to the fervent Bush defenders. They will defend anything - as long as it's their guy in power.|||Bush started the Iraq War unnecessarily. Obama is trying to end it. What's to protest? The war in Afghanistan was also started by Bush and neglected. Obama is trying to address the situation.

Sheehan lost her son in the Iraq War. Her cause seems somewhat less compelling now that President Obama is trying to address the two wars that Bush started but could not finish.|||Because a liberal is in office.....their liberal. No need to televise someone who is protesting their guy.|||Yep, hypocrisy at it's best. And just ask any lib.... The MSM isn't biased..... Oh and gotta love the other favorite excuse.

"She's yesterday's news"...

Well duh........... That makes Bush yesterday's news too.. no?|||Why don't they air the Anti Healthcare ad? I've noticed that Fox airs both Pro and anti Obama health care ads? I know Fox leans right but they show both! They are Liberal L000ns! and refuse to make the Messiah look bad|||News media is protecting Obama's reputation. They drank too much kool aids!|||Give yourself 10 points for answering your own question correctly!!|||She's only newsworthy when she's confronting a non-MSM administration.|||The left uses people.

She is a perfect example.|||Because the left were really anti-Bush. Now they can dismiss her.|||It was it fashion the fawning media feels she is crazy.....|||Thou shalt not take the Messiah's name in vain.|||I think Sheehan hated George Bush more than she hated the

war in Iraq. She never looked at the good things Bush did or the

good that free'd the citizens of Iraq so they could live normal lives

with the elimination of Saddam Hussein from this tyranical leader.

She may not like the war in Afghanistan, but since Obama is on the

same side as she, she's not working very hard at protesting now.

And the Media chooses to ignore her when she does (something

they did NOT do when she was protesting Bush's war. The Media

should have ignored her completely back then and she might have

vanished into the woodwork, but they made a name for her instead.|||REMEMBER..... MOST people were against the IRAQ WAR..... NOT THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN!!!!!!!

Those who are ANTI-WAR are STILL active and ARE CRITICAL of Obama over BOTH wars.... because they want out of ALL wars yesterday... MOST people were upset because of the START of the IRAQ WAR! HOW Bush lead us to war, HOW he dismissed inspectors and mislead the public on WMD's... etc.....

Obama hasn't done that and there is no mass appeal for that.... in fact removing troops from the cities is BOLDEST step we've had in IRAQ..... ( the war MOST people opposed)

But honestly, even during the LAME DUCK BUSH YEARS.... ANTI-WAR rallies and such had ALREADY DIED DOWN because we all knew BUSH WAS FINISHED.

The ONLY person still pushing the IRAQ OCCUPATION was MCCAIN!!!!

Once he lost... MOST folks who were against the IRAQ WAR felt we would actually get a COMMITMENT to LEAVE and THAT HAS HAPPENED!!!

Now the REST of the ANTI-WAR movement is back to its ORIGINAL size.... back to the people who just FUNDAMENTALLY OPPOSE WAR and I don't think their numbers are large enough to generate media attention.|||It's hard to tell with the MSM when it's bias or just "moving on to the next hot story" when public opinion lags. They are perpetually bound by ratings since the inception of the concept to rate TV shows. 44 Americans have died this month and it goes beyond Sheehan to why the MSM has not made more mention of this fact and the Obama Administrations inactivity take any action to solve this problem. Had Bush been in the WH, this statistic would be aired each and every minute at every level of media, ranted in Congress, along with scathing commentaries and calls for the Secretary of State's resignation! Today it seems we would rather dismantle and prosecute CIA employees then fight a war. Obamacare is our national debate, not soldier's lives and the nation who swore "We Shall Never Forget" has taken down their flags and indeed forgotten why they were flying to begin with.|||How many times do we have to tell you. They will not report anything negative about OBOZO. Partly from fear I think. Even those that have begin to awaken from the kool aid trough now see the diversity czar breathing down their necks.|||She's yesterday's news. She had her 15 minutes...|||she is old news...

she hasn't got any coverage for years.

why not ask the conservative owned media your question.|||Maybe because Bush's war was illegal.

I don't see FOX showing her off either...|||Sheehan protest everyone and thinks she is running for office. Giving her time now is endorsing her run. Sheehan out lived her time. Maybe you should talk about how the dixie chicks were ran out of the country by what they said but when Sean Hannity and fox news says things 10x worse about the president no backlash.
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