Monday, February 20, 2012

Why do Democrats think things are better when they are federalized?

There are so many instances where programs at the Federal level, are not very good.


*Government housing......I don't anyone who would want to actually live in the Projects. And yes, I've visited the Projects before.

*Our Public Education System.......I've been in both Private and Public schools. It truly is night and day!!! My child is only going to Private schools. I want Vouchers, because I want to choose what school my child attends. I don't need the government to tell me where to send my child.

*Construction for upkeep of our in Chicago, there's always construction going on. If this was Privatized, it wouldn't take nearly as long for some projects to take.

*Even Goverment cheese

Along with many others.......the thing Dems don't realize, is that

Conservatives aren't opposed to ALL programs, but why is it the Federal Government's responsibility?

Wouldn't it make more sense to leave it up to the States?|||I have been saying the same things for years. To quote myself: "Nothing ran by the public sector can compete with how a *business operates." The most powerfully influential country in the world, the US, was created on free enterprise, flourished on free enterprise, and saved people using free enterprise.

When Russia was ending its communist reign, what did they do? Because they finally started to understand why America is such a force, they started to sell off parts of the government to the PRIVATE SECTOR. Sound familiar?|||only THEY know whats right..they just need your tax dollars to do it right|||privatized industries.



3. BLACKWATER|||control , power , desire to be God

You do realize the Democratic party and the Communist party are now one party. this was done about 17 or 18 years ago .

Nowhere in the Constitution or Bill of the Rights is public education offered or guaranteed . only that you can seek and receive an education .

Public welfare is not offered nor gauranteed only the right to go and seek your own .|||Most Democrats are liberals. Liberals want government to run everything. Liberals want to run the government. Facts, successes, or failures don't matter to them. They just want the power.

There are way too many liberals in state governments as well.|||You are confused. You talk about federalizing things but then you point to things which are not federalized, like public schools which are really our most localized form of government in this country.

BTW, if private schools had to accept all the troubled kids who are in public schools, they would be no different from public schools.

You do realize that most public construction is privatized? Private construction companies paid with government dollars. If there are no government dollars, where does that money come from.

And Government cheese - I agree it is a dumb program. But that was actually a program started by Ronald Reagan to justify paying farmers in Republican states to produce milk that nobody wanted to buy in the form of a food which is bad for people's health.|||It's about expansion of their power by causing increased dependency on the government. Dependent people will always vote for the ones that enable their dependency. Republicans have tries to play the game, but you can't out-democrat the Democrats.

Additionally, the Democrats have worked very hard and have very nearly achieved a situation where less than half the population of the country pays all the taxes. The bottom 50% of wage earners account for 3% of all tax revenues, and most of them are refunded at least all their tax withholdings. Some people even get extra money back thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit. Once they have a majority of people not paying taxes, they will have an unsurmountable voting block.|||Ignorance. They are really socialists or communists. This destroys individuality, privacy and independance. They try to make everyone the"same"-even though it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that all humans are individuals. Individualism is what made us the strongest and best country on the planet. The only reason that they are as "popular" as they are is because a certain element of any population is lazy and ignorant and would give up freedom for the mere prospect of unearned and undeserved security.|||To save time and space, I'll address only one of your issues. Are you aware that, even with vouchers, private schools do not have to accept your child? Suppose the owner is a racist and will not accept black, Asian or Latin children. Suppose the owner is Catholic and will not accept Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. Suppose the owner is Jewish and would not accept anyone but Jews.....and on and on. People who keep trying to do away with public education will be turning this most important issue over to privatization that could be biased and bigoted. How can that possibly be a good thing? What IS needed is to get government OUT of the school testing business and to turn it back to the District and the teachers. THEY are the experts, and could clearly show that if they were allowed to TEACH, instead of file a zillion forms. High school kids could even earn money as tutors for non-English speaking kids, who would not be admitted to the mainstream until they were fluent in English. That would be benefitial to teachers and ALL of the students. So, with vouchers, you might be able to choose your child's school, but private schools can choose to REFUSE your child, without providing a reason!|||They believe in the power of government to solve problems even though they never stick around for the results. The upside of this is that it fits into campaigning for office because they can propose to solve any problem. Now they are actually proposing "saving the planet". Its as though they're running for super-hero or messiah.

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