Monday, February 13, 2012

Why did Barry lie when he said neither I nor any member of my team have had contacts with Blagojevich ?

When we now know that Valerie Jarrett was working behind the scenes to get it (the seat) and "suddenly" dropped out.

Jarrett wanted the job. So why did she drop out so abruptly. Did she know what was going on? If so, did she tell the feds? Was it anything to do with this telephone call?

What were Rahm Emanuel's contacts with Blagojevich, whose House of Representatives seat he took over in 2003?

Obama can't pretend that Chicago is nothing to do with him and politics in the Windy City is just like anywhere else with many faithful public servants and a few bad apples.鈥?/a>|||For those making more excuses the President Elect stated that he had no contact with the Governor about his seat, then said about selling his seat and that no one on his staff knew anything about it or had contact with the Governor about filling the seat. The facts are the President Elect campaigned and raised money for the Governor in his first term and for his re-election so they do "know" each other and have worked together closely for some time. The talk about him and the Governor working in different parts of the Democratic Party in IL and not with each other is pure and simple lying. In 2006 when Blago was running for re-election he was already known to be under investigation for selling positions and raising money by coercing people using state contracts; the investigation is not new and was not really that closely confidential as the state legislature knew about it and the state ethics investigators were already reporting many of the problems. The investigation is not the selling of the Senate seat but is long term and goes back three years with many other things. Rezko and Emanuel were both deeply involved in many of those deals so how could the President Elect know nothing. By concentrating all the talk about the last thing (selling the Senate seat vacated by the President Elect) it allows President Elect Obama to make statements about how he could not know anything but work for Blago's election and reelection share advisers and fund raisers with him? Get serious and real-the President Elect should have known what was going on since most people in the state knew and the investigation was ongoing since 2005 and if he didn't know then he is either blind or just did not want to know. No contact but a strange two hour conference call the day before Jarrett dropped out between the Governor and Washington DC where she was discussed with unnamed advisers.|||And where is Rahm Emanuel hiding these days?

He used to stand beside Obama at every press conference. He disappeared yesterday, didn't he?|||He lied because it's what he does best.

Wonder if an 'obstruction of justice' charge is coming!|||My guess is they were tipped off that the FBI was hot on Blago's tail. They have been watching him for 4 years, and he got cocky thinking he was untouchable. I believe Axelrod for saying that Obama had talked to Blago two weeks ago about 5 potential "clients" #5 being Jessie Jackson Jr. But someone tipped them off and they backed off. I had just read somewhere that Fitzpatrick states Obama actually did have contract personally with Blago too- if so then who knows what is going to happen. Overall, I think the Obama team had an ethical responsibility to report Blago! They knew darn skippy what he was up too. . . . and I bet they were in on it.|||Barry has gotten away with all his other lies and liberals still worship him. He must feel invincible.

Of course he and his staff has had contact with Blagojevich.|||THE OBAMESSIAH DOES NOT LIE!

EVERY WORD HE SAYS BECOMES TRUTH!|||Anyone with any common sense can clearly see that Obama lied through his teeth about not knowing what was going on in the Illinois Governors office where his former senate seat was concerned...

Obama is no different than any other scumbag politician who serves in public office. They lie, steal, cheat. They all think they are above and beyond the law.

I've always thought that every politician only sought the office they hold in order to strike it big with some crooked behind the scenes deal.|||He manages to shield himself by using his fellow thugs and pleading innocence to everything. Here's an interesting blog that points out some changes on a website that originally claimed Obama had direct contact with his buddy "Rob".|||Why shouldn't he separate himself from Blagojevich just like he did William Charles Ayers, and Rev. Wright,Mr. Rezko, his Birth Certificate, The truth, his mother's side of the family (until needed)..................List way to long!|||It would seem highly unlikely that Barry, or someone from his team has not had contact with Blago. To be honest, since he is a lawyer, I think Barry did add "concerning selling my seat" to that statement to cover his tail. Regardless, most of the media and his supporters are still too blinded by Obama Fever to care about his shady doings.|||I am waiting for that shoe to drop. Obama has gone before the cameras and said very clearly that neither he nor any of his people have been in contact with the Governor about that seat.

Frankly, I find that hard to believe.

Obama and this guy go way back. You do know the Gov's wife was the realtor who sold Obama his house via that little loop de do with Rezko?

Also, as Pres Elect and the man who is going to end the war, fix the economy, cure all our energy woes and heal our nation's soul, why would he not be asked about something really simple and pertinent like...."Who do you think would be good in your Senate seat?"

After all, this guy is going to represent the people who put Obama in the White House.

If Obama really DID NOT have any input in the process, then it is curious that he would not care who took his seat.

The whole situation brings up a ton of questions that I would love for someone to ask the Messiah.|||There is no politician that may not be aware of shady dealings. Since he was in Illinois, which has been corrupt forever, of course he knew that some people were shady. He also did not want to sell or buy the seat. It wasnt him who was selling it, and no matter what you say, I still support him. Bush knew that there werent any WMD's in Iraq? How shady was that?|||From your article link:

"No one is suggesting that Obama - or "this motherf***er", as Blagojevich referred to him - was involved in this pay-to-play scheme."|||LIES, SCANDALS, COVER-UPS, DENIAL,...... PASS THE POPCORN.....4 YEARS.....WHO NEEDS HOLLYWOOD, WHEN YOU HAVE A CHICAGO DEM IN THE WHITE HOUSE.....|||Come on....why would Obama care one way or the long as another democrat got his seat? Dudes! 'Ya gotta' have motive and there is no motive here. Did Obama personally have 'contact' on this issue with the guv? No he didn't. The prosecutor says no and believe me, if he had proof of that don't you think he'd go after the really big cheese.....Obama? The guv tried to set up a deal and nobody wanted in on it. In fact...there may have been no crime at all.

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