Monday, February 13, 2012

What political party is most corrupt?

All Democrats

Rod Blagojevich, the 40th governor of Illinois, has been accused of trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat, and other abuses of office. Blagojevich, a Democrat, was arrested Dec. 9, 2008, after self-incriminating evidence dating back to 2003 was gathered through taps on his office and his home phones. After appearing in court, Blagojevich was released on $4,500 bail. "Gov. Blagojevich has taken us to a new low," U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said. "This conduct would make Lincoln roll over in his grave."

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., has served in Congress for more than 40 years. The chairman of the powerful tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee is currently the target of a far-ranging investigation by the House Ethics Committee. The committee is looking at whether Rangel protected an oil company from a major tax bill when the head of the company made a donation to a college center named after the congressman. The Ethics Committee also is looking at whether Rangel paid appropriate taxes for a beach home he owns in the Dominican Republic. Rangel maintains he has done nothing improper.

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick resigned in September 2008, after attempts to conceal an extramarital affair at the heart of a whistleblower lawsuit against the city. Kilpatrick, a Democrat, who was the youngest person ever elected mayor of Detroit, is currently serving a sentence at the Wayne County jail on multiple felony counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. The incident was not the first time Kilpatrick was in the news for bad behavior in office. He was previously accused of running up thousands of dollars on city-issued credit cards for travel and leisure and throwing wild parties at the mayor's residence.

U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Fla., allegedly agreed to pay his former girlfriend and staff member $121,000 to keep her from suing him for sexual harassment. "You work at my pleasure," Mahoney was heard telling his former mistress on a Jan. 20, 2008, telephone call that was recorded. He then fired her, saying, "The only person that matters is guess who? Me. You understand that. That is how life really is. That is how it works." Mahoney was elected to represent West Palm Beach in Congress

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer apologized to his family and the public after the New York Times reported the Democrat's involvement in a prostitution ring in March 2008. Spitzer did not elaborate on the claims, but said, "I must now dedicate time to regain the trust of my family." As New York attorney general, prior to his election as governor, Spitzer was known for his hard-on-crime tactics, including prosecutions of prostitution. Spitzer resigned from office in March, saying, "I am deeply sorry that I did not live up to what was expected of me."

William Jefferson, D-La., has been under investigation for suspected corruption by the FBI since March 2005. As part of the probe into allegations that he took bribes from a Kentucky businessman, FBI agents raided his office on Capitol Hill and his home, where they found $90,000 wrapped in tinfoil in his freezer. The congressman, who denies accepting bribes, was ousted from office and replaced by Anh "Joseph" Cao, Dec. 6, 2008.

Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan is seen here arriving at federal court in Chicago for his racketeering and corruption trial in 2006. Ryan's case was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who is bringing charges against Ryan's successor as Illinois governor, Democrat Rod Blagojevich.

William Jefferson, D-La., has been under investigation for suspected corruption by the FBI since March 2005. As part of the probe into allegations that he took bribes from a Kentucky businessman, FBI agents raided his office on Capitol Hill and his home, where they found $90,000 wrapped in tinfoil in his freezer. The congressman, who denies accepting bribes, was ousted from office and replaced by Anh "Joseph" Cao, Dec. 6, 2008.|||You don't hear this often in the liberal media because it makes the Democrats look bad. Instead, you hear about Ted Stevens for a month.|||Just sending a link because I have to catch the last bus home from work now.|||Definately the blind such as yourself. When you point one nasty finger at the Dems., don't forget there are three nasty fingers pointing at the big fat Elephant. Do you know who the big fat elephant is ???|||how one sided is your question. why dont you provide some info about corrupt republicans. would make it easier to make an informed decision. your bias is stopping me from answering your question|||Yeah, the Republicans are all Saints aren't they?

Mark Foley

Jack Abramoff

Tom DeLay

Ted Haggard

Richard Nixon

Ted Stevens|||Both are incredably corrupt|||Definitely the Dems|||The Republicans is|||republican|||No doubt the Demorats. Yes there are some Republicans that are dirty but the Dem's win that trophy hands down. Also if you notice the high crime areas and states are the Dem's territory also. Also you have to include the liberal "mainstream" media they are corrupt...very corrupt. Barney Frank and Ted Kennedy are the MOST corrupt Dem's ever.|||Both. They have done great harm on the Constitution, and go against our roots and principles that our forefathers stood for.

Besides, both parties are heavily controlled by CEOs, bankers, foreign lobbyists, and other corporations, they think they are above the law.

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