Friday, February 10, 2012

So, you wanted informaiton on Obama's Marxist Connections, were you serious? Did you really want that?

Be careful what you ask for:

Why wouldn't Obama be comfortable around Communists? He is a Communist and that's how he grew up, who he grew up with and who he's never been away from.

This is a PARTIAL LIST of Obama's Marxist connections and affiliations including the people he's surrounded himself with. The whole list wouldn't fit. The whole case for his Marxist philosophy as he's exposed it would take a large book, which would be full of very potent and documented information, and much more will be reveled by the man himself if you watch his actions with open mind.

Obama's mother was a radical Communist, his biological father was a radical Communist. His grandparents who raised him because his mother was out being a political activist (so was his father) ... the grandparents who raised him were also radical Communists who went to Church in Western Washington State at the infamous Little Red Church On The Hill an openly radical communist church.

Frank Marshal Davis, the man he described as the biggest single influence in his life, was a radical communist on an anti American FBI list. Davis started his own career in Communism guess where? Chicago! Frank Martial Davis got Obama into Harvard via Communist Radical Contacts. He also got him involved with ACORN which was created with the aim of bringing down the economic system in the US so COMMUNISM could be implemented, which came right out of founders Dale Rathke's own mouth on a public interview a few months ago.

Obama in his book Dreams of my Father Explained how he deliberately sought out radical communist Professors as mentors and for discussion. As well as foreign students of countries with radical totalitarian governments.

Reverend Write ... Black liberation theologist, which is openly communist

Van Jones, admitted communist radical, out of his own mouth

Vallory Jaret, closest advisor, daughter of Frank Marshal

Davis a communist radical with a long sheet, also a radical


Anita Dunn ... who's self professed favorite political philosopher was possibly the largest mass murder in human history: Chairman Mao!

Cathleen Sabilias is a well known Socialist / Communist

SEIU leader Andy Stern, Obama's closest non Cabinet Advisor, and closer than many of them. Most guest stays by far of anyone to the White House. Open Communist, "WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! It's not just a slogan he said, it's how we have to do business!"

Lets not forget Bill Aeirs, he's a communist radical terrorist from the Weather Underground who killed people, and he and Obama started off Obama's political career together.

Then Obama's love of Saul Alinski, who wrote the nasty eye opening book, Rules for Radicals. He lectured on him favorably in Colleges and has his book, that preaches communism and that the ends justify the means, so lie steal cheat, be violent or whatever it takes to destroy the economic framework of the US so it can be replaced with Communism.

You have Science Czar Eric Holdren, Communist, and global climate alarmist, it's always the people's fault and they always have to give all power to government to fix it! And he's said this about Global Ice Ages coming in the past, now it's global warming. Before it was a huge ice buildup that we would cause that would fall into the ocean and kill all life within 200 miles of a coast! Now it's global warming! At least he's consistent lol

Carol Browner, the head of this nation鈥檚 Environmental Protection Agency, is an unabashed Marxist.

Hilda Solis, Obama鈥檚 Labor Secretary is not only a Marxist, she has ties to the Communist Party.

Hillary Rodham-Clinton, this country鈥檚 Secretary of State, is a socialist. In fact, before Rodham finished high school, she was recruited by none other than Saul Alinsky, a socialist who had ties with the Chicago mob!

Members of the U.S. Congress and Senate, who are Marxists. For example, Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi is a socialist, as is John Lewis, the civil rights icon to some.|||LOL like Obama Culties are going to read all that? They didn't get as ignorant as they are from reading.

Great info by the way, there are many more it's true, but that's a pretty good start.

Edit: Oh, there's one now above me, encouraging ignorance, how he makes the case of deliberately self imposed ignorance by a cult mentality. Don't look at that! It's bad! Yeah, the truth about Obama isn't to pretty is it?|||I reckoned Rush Limbaw was right when he was callin Obama a communist. It aint even so far fetched to think he mighta known Stalin. Those muslims jus wanna destroy america|||haha your funny, someones been watchin WAY too much glenn beck.|||I want to see the Trolls spin these Facts about their Fuehrer.|||LOL! I saw the thread on Obama's Marxist ties where they were complaining about no info. Now they have a load and all they can do is knee jerk snarky whining about it ... and telling their minions not to look at it!

Ignorance is Bliss on the Left ... hopefully there are more with some brains than there are pure group thinking sheep.|||You seem to lose the thread of the question in there somewhere. Either that, or you don't know the difference between communism and socialism.

No serious communist could tolerate socialism in a senior position in his organization if he hoped to accomplish anything. Their goals would be totally at odds.|||hillary rodham a leftist, hahahah (former goldwater girl)

kathleen sebilius?

write=wright (this guy is nobody, just a lil bigmouth who likes to rain brimstone)

aeirs=ayers (Bill was educator of the year in Chicago a few years back)

Saul Alinsky is the father of community organizing; his Industrial Areas Foundation made able community organizers out of ordinary citizens, possibly the best people person this country ever produced|||you lose, that is a bunch of assumptions and garbled connections, do you have some sources for your load of garbage or did you make it all up

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