Friday, February 10, 2012

Am i taking this bed bug thing too far?

so this whole bed bug thing is really freaking me out. i live in chicago which has plenty of infestations from apartments to movie theatres, motels, clothing stores, public transportation, etc. i'm super careful when i am out an about but the more i think about it, the more i think, 'well i can't buy or do anything!!!' is it realistic to think that if i buy an area rug new from bed bath and beyond that it may have beg bugs or eggs in it from the factory or the store or anything in between? i need new shoes and was gonna go to DSW warehouse but now i am thinking, well they could be in shoes too, even new ones, right? i suppose i could take them to the dryer before bringing them into the house. is being overcautious like this unnecessary, or are the above scenarios realistic?|||This should be of help to you with more advice/info on that.|||Bugs can give a person the hebegebies.

I saw some where in NY a shoe store was closed because of bed bugs. I can see why you feel the way you do.

If a bug is in a new shoe, you can see it. You don't need to deny yourself of a new pair of shoes.

After buying something, it would be good to look it over and wash it right away. Or seal it up in a bag until you can.|||Bedbugs are indeed an issue.

They can travel over 100feet looking for a new host.

You can not prevent picking up a hitchhiker which can be in any public place.

Your best defense is to shower when you get home.

Check bags and furnishings before you bring them in the house

And get zippered plastic covers for your mattress and box spring.

Other then that.....Don't stop crossing the street. And be conscientious if you do get them to get rid of them ASAP.|||I think you are going overboard.|||I am scared too..think about thrift stores..I love them but are they safe from those bugs?|||ummm.. im scared now.

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