Monday, February 13, 2012

Need a career change at 40. Just feeling depressed.?

Im 40 years old and here I sit. My girlfriend just dumped me a few months ago for a younger guy. He is more succesful too. A cop. They bought a house together with two dogs. Somethign i couldnt have given her since I work only as a concierge in a hotel and a sub teacher. I get so upset on why she left me. I loved her and now she sleeps in another guys bed while i sleep alone. I dont wnat to go the bars to meet peple. I tried dating sites and im attractive guy. But bars are out. At my age i want to be married. I want to have asolid career but it isnt happening! I am moving to chicago to find work. I have degree in political science. Im trying to find a career in Public relations or a lobbyist. I need direction on how to break into those two fields. I want to make something of myself before I turn 50! Im scared to death! I got to do it!.....I cant live liek this anymore or i will have two strikes against me--old age and being broke the rest of my life. I want my girl back too. Help me?|||Hmm, I'm going through a similar situation. I'm 45 and here I sit!

Your girlfriend wasn't worth staying with if she had eyes for another. Don't you want to be with someone who adores you? I do. I know, easier said than done, and I admit I still pine for my ex-husband much too often! But we deserve better. I want to be with someone who is HAPPY to be with me and I with them. What's the point, otherwise??

You have a degree in P.S. I think that is very admirable. You have two jobs--that is also admirable. You could be a cop, too, if you desired. You could do many things. Follow your heart.

Since I'm a bit stuck for a new direction, like you, I'm sorry I'm not able to come up with better advice than this. Stay strong, stay true to yourself and make a plan to live your best life yet.|||Don't look back. Meet new people. Get involed in a club or something.Don't think of old girl she has moved on and so will you. Just up your confidence. Get a new hobby or a pet and focus you attention on that. If you get a dog bring it to a park and get to know people.If you get a new hobby try and find a club that is for that.

Just remember to get out there and meet new people. and

NEVER LOOK BACK.|||Forget about the girl - she sounds like a cow im sorry to need to improve yourself esteem! this starts by first loving isnt everything! success isnt always measured by money! if you walk around feeling sorry for yourself, you will hate yourself...if you love yourself, people will love you!

Its called self belief - even if you dont believe in yourself, act like you do (pretend you are acting on stage or something) and sooner or later you will get good feedback and you will start feeling better about yourself...

Do you do any sports etc? you need to keep yourself busy and start doing new things...and remember its never too late!!

Hope this helps!|||Your girl is sleeping in another guy's bed, so forget about she and focus on yourself for a change. I cannot give you some magic pills to make your life better instantly, but there are certain things you can do to help yourself.

Personally, I think to start a whole new career at your age is a little bit risky. You should use your current experience and try to move up a level or two instead of moving to a whole new direction. Because you know that every time you do that you will have to start at 0. Unless you are very, very passionate about doing this new career, then I would say go for it.

Once you go your career going, you will have you confidence back. Once you got your confidence, women will come. Women love guys with confidence in themselves.

Good Luck!

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