Monday, February 13, 2012

Lower Child Support?

My husband has a daughter residing in Chicago IL. who is 6 years old and is living with her mother at her Grandparents house.. They were never married. Also were paying $500.00 a month in support ordered by the court. They went off of tax returns 3 or 4 years ago 1 of which was around 76,000.00 and another of 36,000.00 a year. Now his tax returns say that he makes under 20,000.00 a year for this year and last. since the order for support we have gotten married and had 2 children and cant afford to pay this amount also to say the least its well over the amount of living for his 6 year old daughter. she has state medical goes to a public school and has no cost for living. Her mother is a bartender... How would I get started on this lowering of child support? Is it even possible also can I do this all from another state cause we reside in Nevada?|||You will have to file for a modification of the child support order. In Iowa, the Child Support Recovery Unit (I'm not sure what the IL equivalent is called) can initiate this, or you can see a lawyer and ask them about filing a motion to modify the order. The court will most likely modify the order according to your state's guidelines based on his current income. He can and should pay something for child support, but a court won't force him to pay an amount he can't afford. This is why child support is based on your current or recent income. Good luck!|||You can check with legal aide or your lawyer if you had one and ask them to check over your current case. Or you can file on your own to the Clerk of Courts.....

Are you two kids that you have with your husband calculated into child support?

If not, then it's one of those "qualifying events" where child support could be amended. You can do it from another state, but I would very much suggest trying to get some legal aide to help you. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a lawyer!|||yes, you can get this lowered, request modification forms, they will come in the mail... request them from the original state, her state, and your state, just to be sure, lol!

well, he is the one that has to sign everything, and call, too, yes, you will get this lowered to about 250 a month, less or more, give or take, lol!

yes, the previous woman should get child support for the child, but, it's not woman support, lol! it should be lowered, he has a right to move on and have more children and a wife... he has a right to have a life, too... and so do you and the kids you have now...!

I am in a similar situation, email if you want to talk or keep me updated! =)

they would not raise my hubby's support because we now have a child, too, as a matter of fact, they wanted to lower it... she, his ex, was rather ticked, lol! they never married...

good luck! =)|||So, let me get this right, you think because he isn't holding down a well paying job anymore the other mom should get screwed? Chances are you are probably doing something under the table because no grown man takes a 50k wage cut for no reason. So, what her cost of living is is not your concern, she is raising HIS child with no help from him, how do you put a price tag on that? You sound selfish and bitter and I hope you never have to be a single parent. As a mother you should be ashamed, it sounds like your kids are way more important.|||I would have been smarter to figure all this out prior to having children with him... the situation will be more difficult bcuz you are in different states but anything can be done|||Yes you contact your attorney who will go to court on your behalf to lower the child support. You have proof of income, it happens all the time. You may even be able to file it in the circuit court yourself. Call them and find out. If not, maybe daddy gotta get a second job. I am a firm believer that a man should do whatever it takes to support their children in all area's, financially and emotionally.
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