Monday, February 13, 2012

I had a dream that i was kidnapped by gang bangers.?

i just woke up from it like 10 mins ago. so it started out that it was really late at night and i was at a concert in Logan Square, Chicago, with my friends and once it ended i decided, for some reason, to walk down a street by my self that which i thought led towards a form of public transportation that would take me home. the neighborhood got really bad as i went down farther and soon i saw vi dock that ran down a long alley and to a soccer field. as i progressed down the alley i became more and more aware at how bad the neighborhood was getting and started to do so more quietly until i saw a group of ghetto dressed Latino kids hanging out on the soccer field. scared that they saw me i started run down the alley from which i came and back into this garbage infested gangway. there was some harmless looking kid there told me that they were going to find me. and sure enough right then and there i saw one of the gangbangers approach from the side with his face completely covered holding a multi-tassled white wip. his buddies came shortly after and they decided to beat me up. The next thing i remember was that i was in their living room and they were talking about how they were going to kill me for snooping around their neighborhood. i kept telling them that i just was trying to find an EL Station(subway, we call the El's here in Chicago because its short for elevated trains) or a bus stop. they didn't believe and continued to beat me up. and then some how i managed to call my parents, who i dont get along with what so ever in reality to come find me. The gangbangers were really stupid they insisted that i was only here to show disrespect to their turf and they seemed very young and amatuer like and wouldn't hear me. i kind of felt like one of those people with abusive partners on the Steve Wilkos Show. then somehow they all leave the room and for some reason i'm not tied up and i see my dad's car in front of the house, i then bust down the door and run up to the car my where my dad is standing outside gabbing on his cell phone. i jump in the back seat and tell him to get his *** in the car and drive, he tells me in a minuet as if the phone call was more important than fact that we were probablly going to get shot. the gangbangers then all rush outside and my dad then gets the clue and gets in and drives off.

can anyone make any sense of this dream?|||Maybe you are feeling the desire to reconcile with your parents, or that you, deep inside, consider them an important part of your life. In real life, you don't get along with them at all, but in your dream, you created them to be your hero. Or maybe that is just your mind wishing yoru parets to be that for you or something. I would say it has something to do with your relationship with them. Then again...I know pretty much nothing about interpretting dreams!|||Sounds like to me that you have a subconscious fear of losing your dad. And if that's the parent you are closest to then yeah it makes sense. The gangbangers could represent anything really. A cancer, murderer. Just be on the look out. ^-^

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