The Fundamental Transformation of America
When Obama wrote a book and said he was
mentored as a youth by Frank,
(Frank Marshall Davis) an avowed Communist,
people said it didn't matter.
When it was discovered that his grandparents,
were strong socialists
who sent Obama's mother to a socialist school
where she was introduced to Frank Marshall Davis. He was
later introduced to young Barrack Hussein Obama
People said it didn't matter.
When people found out that Barrack Hussein Obama was
enrolled as a Muslim child in school and his
father and stepfather were both Muslims,
people said it didn't matter.
When he wrote in another book he
authored "I will stand with them (Muslims)
should the political winds shift
in an ugly direction"
people said it didn't matter.
When he admittedly, in his book,
said he chose Marxist friends
and professors in college--
people said it didn't matter.
When he traveled to Pakistan ,
after college on an unknown
national passport,
people said it didn't matter.
When he sought the endorsement of the
Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran
for the Illinois Senate,
people said it doesn't matter.
When he sat in a Chicago Church
for twenty years and listened to a preacher
spew hatred for America and
preach black liberation theology,
people said it didn't matter.
When an independent Washington organization,
that tracks Senate voting records, gave him
the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator,"
people said it didn't matter.
When the Palestinians in Gaza
set up a fund raising telethon
to raise money for his election campaign,
people said it didn't matter.
When his voting record
supported gun control,
people said it didn't matter.
When he refused to disclose who
donated money to his election campaign,
as other candidates had done,
people said it didn't matter.
When he received endorsements from
people like Louis Farrakhan and
Mummar Kadaffi and Hugo Chavez,
people said it didn't matter.
When it was pointed out that he was
a total newcomer and had absolutely
no experience at anything except
community organizing,
people said it didn't matter.
When he chose friends and acquaintances
such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
who were revolutionary radicals,
people said it didn't matter.
When his voting record in the Illinois
senate and in the U.S. Senate
came into question,
people said it didn't matter.
When he refused to wear a flag,
lapel pin, and did so only
after a public outcry,
people said it didn't matter.
When people started treating him as
a Messiah and children in schools
were taught to sing his praises,
people said it didn't matter.
When he stood with his hands over
his groin area for the playing of the
National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance,
people said it didn't matter.
When he surrounded himself in the White house
with advisors who were pro-gun control, pro-
abortion, pro-homosexual marriage and wanting to
curtail freedom of speech to silence the opposition
people said it didn't matter..
When he aired his views on abortion,
homosexuality and a
host of other issues,
people said it didn't matter.
When he said he favors
sex education in Kindergarten,
including homosexual indoctrination,
people said it didn't matter.
When his personal background was either
scrubbed or hidden and nothing
could be found about him,
people said it didn't matter.
When the place of his birth
was called into question,
and he refused to produce a birth certificate,
people said it didn't matter.
When he had an association in Chicago
with Tony Rezco--a man of questionable character and
who is now in prison and had helped Obama
to a sweet deal on the purchase of his home--
people said it didn't matter.
When it became known that George Soros,
a multi-billionaire Marxist,
spent a ton of money to get him elected,
people said it didn't matter.
When he started appointing White House Czars
that were radicals, revolutionaries,
and even avowed Marxist/Communist,
people said it didn't matter.
When he stood before the Nation
and told us that his intentions were to
"fundamentally transform this Nation"
into something else,
people said it didn't matter.
When it became known that he had
trained ACORN workers in Chicago
and served as an attorney for ACORN,
people said it didn't matter.
When he appointed cabinet members
and several advisors who were
tax cheats and socialists,
people said it didn't matter.
When he appointed a Science Czar, John Holdren,
who believes in forced abortions, mas|||Of course not. And not only are the liberals hypocrites, many of them don't even realize that they're sheep of the media.
They're up in arms over things the media feeds them. But because the media is a lap dog of the liberals, none of these things are ever brought up. So of course, the politically ignorant masses think conservatives are just complaining.
They are clueless...|||Nice cut and paste baseless rant.|||Want cheese with your wine|||You feel better now kid!|||i don't give you a pass for writing in such an annoying manner. geez, you could make your point so much better, but you f-ed it up|||I've read a few of your questions.
You have some really odd beliefs (from President Obama to the Income Tax). The weird thing is that absolutely none of your beliefs seem to based on any facts. They are all based on far right wing rants and conspiracy theories.
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