Saturday, February 4, 2012

Do you agree with Special FBI Agent and former gov. Frank Keating that Obama is a front man for radicals ?

And isn't it simply too great a risk to attempt ? The words of McCain ally FRANK KEATING, former Oklahoma governor and Special Agent for the FBI, on MSNBC today:

[About Bill Ayers] It does suggest character and judgment. When I was an FBI agent, we were HOT after Bill Ayers. This is an unrepentant terrorist who said in 2001 they didn’t blow up enough.

Remember Barack Obama is a “set piece” [FRONT-MAN?] here — not as a radical and as a terrorist, but as a member of the Illinois state senate.

In 2000, he voted against the entirety of the state budget because it had too much money for corrections. Voted against capital punishment. Voted against people being able to defend their families in their own homes by the use of a firearm. Voted for needle exchanges. Voted against making it a felony for a gang member to go back to gang activity while on probation. These are reckless, extreme, anti-law enforcement leftist positions that I think the American public needs to know about because it shows a lot about somebody’s value system and character.

The powerful words of Gov. Frank Keating, a former FBI agent, who appeared on MSNBC a short time ago. Gov. Keating strongly infers and correctly, I suspect, that Barack Obama is the front-man for these radicals.

Obama comes across to average people as a non-threatening, cerebral, cool type. However, in fact, Barack Obama is steeped in DECADES of influence by the likes of Bill Ayers, his wife Bernardine Dohrn, Saul Alinsky, black liberation theologian Rev. Jeremiah Wright (his pastor for 2+ decades), extreme radical Father Michael Pfleger, former PLO member Rashid Khalidi, and on and on — all financed by the shady business dealings of deep-pocket Chicago rich who get, let’s face it, their rocks off doing some “social good” but BUY political influence via Obama.

In sum: Barack Obama is a front man for the radicals, and Barack Obama is a front man for the shady businesspeople who make millions by exploiting tax payers’ money by, for example, running the Illinois state pension funds and taking over previously public housing but not improving it. you agree with Special FBI Agent and former gov. Frank Keating that Obama is a front man for radicals ?
Leftwing Voter Registration Fraud On Rise

Thu, 09/18/2008 - 12:07 — Judicial Watch Blog

For the second time in as many months a left-wing community group largely funded with U.S. tax dollars has submitted fake voter registration cards, this week in a key battleground state.

The Chicago-based Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), where Barack Obama worked as a “community organizer,” has long been investigated for falsifying information to register new voters during nationwide drives and authorities are especially vigilant in a presidential election year.

This week officials in New Mexico’s most populous county (Bernalillo) notified federal authorities that more than 1,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted to the clerk’s office. ACORN, which pays workers for each registration, is the prime suspect since it has handled thousands of new voter registrations in New Mexico since January.

In fact, it was a phony registration card submitted by ACORN last month that led Bernalillo authorities to scrutinize others. The group, which promotes a welfare state, submitted a forged card for a former Albuquerque District Court judge who has voted in the same precinct for almost two decades.

County workers subsequently discovered that at least 1,100 new registrations list Social Security numbers for people already in the county’s database of registered voters, names of registered voters with different birth dates and addresses that don’t exist.

Last month Milwaukee’s election chief turned in dozens of ACORN voter registration workers to the district attorney’s office for prosecution after they submitted falsified registration cards. The new registrations included dead people, voters that were already registered and many included fabricated drivers license numbers.

ACORN has been implicated in similar voter fraud schemes in more than a dozen states, including Missouri, Ohio and Washington. In fact, the group settled the largest case of voter fraud in the history of Washington State last year after seven workers were caught submitting about 2,000 fake registration forms.

Incidentally, as a nonprofit ACORN is supposed to be nonpartisan but the group ardently endorses its former star community organizer for president.

Yes, his associates and past history appear to confirm this analysis.Do you agree with Special FBI Agent and former gov. Frank Keating that Obama is a front man for radicals ?
No I do not believe that.

Regardless of his position, he's just another red-stater spouting off with slander. I'd rather watch Bill O'Reilly, at least then I could get a laugh.Do you agree with Special FBI Agent and former gov. Frank Keating that Obama is a front man for radicals ?
Chicago Sun reported yesterday that Rezko's sentencing is being delayed to give time for "discussions" with the Feds.

Now that he's singing, Obama may have to find a new tune.
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