Thursday, February 16, 2012

Did you see Obama's Town hall Healthcare meeting?

Serious question...

Based on Obama's answers in the town hall meeting what do you think is the case? Are there any other answers besides the ones I provide?

1) Does Obama not understand what is in the health bill that was written by the conglomerate of nut job groups that Soros and other left wing socialist radicals provided to the House?

2) Does Obama thinks he can lie about what he supports in the health bill because his goal is to fool enough people to get the socialist bill passed, in his mind the ends justify the means. He doesn't care that he would become the most hated President ever by most people and only loved by the die hard socialist, marxist, and communist in this country? He doesn't care because he believe his brown shirts will get him reelected Chicago style regardless if he has fewer than 40% popular support?

3) Obama has changed his mind and is doing a Clinton, he now believes in Small Government and is willing to give up the public option because it clearly doesn't work (his example of this was the post office not being able to compete with UPS and FedEx) and he now wants everyone to have the Congressional Health Plan with many options to be expanded to everyone. By extrapolation why would he be for keeping lousy programs and therefore he will be advocating get rid of the VA and Medicare?

4) ???|||no, i think he is more evil even than that.

he KNOWS what is in the bill and Still wants to lie and pass it through.

and btw the question posted by that little kid on there has been proven to be a set up by hussein.|||That's a serious question?|||Why is it that the people who keep trying to accuse Obama of lying are the one's who ARE ACTUALLY lying?|||I don't listen to Obama anymore, that would be just like listening to the news to get false information.|||4. You are an idiot trying to twist things to your own interpretation so you can bash based on lies.

Grow up.|||I love some of your defensive answers for the Obummer man, Please

don't call him names, Your hateful omg , the Obummer is saint, LOL.

He has been given every opportunity to do it right. And he refuses

to. So the gloves are now off, His lying rhetorical *** is just that

a lying rhetorical ***.|||I don't think you can claim your question to be serious and then go on to describe people as "nut jobs" because you disagree with them.

You might even have a valid point, but like most repubs, you'd rather attack and smear your opponents then have a civil discussion.|||You mean Obama's LoveFest full of plants and donors?|||wouldn't the better question be;

Does Obama know that he can quit campaigning now?

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