Friday, February 10, 2012

Are there any official malfeasances and impeachable offences left off this list of Obama and Dem acheivements?

Scorecard On Obama Scandals (updated)

Prosecutes CIA for defending country

Prosecutes Navy Seals for assaulting most wanted terrorist.

Hides $17.5 billion "stimulus" in NJ

AmeriCorp firing in violation of federal law

Obama鈥檚 three places of birth

Obama鈥檚 natural-born citizenship?

Obama鈥檚 multiple SS nos

ACORN pimps out

Clinton Foundation gave ACORN $250,000

VP Biden's daughter in cocaine bust

Biden bro and son named in offshore Ponzi scheme

Rahn Emanuel (too numerous to mention)

Obama prez campaign accepted AIG donations

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (being there)

Cong Barney Frank, Freddie Mac scandals

Sen Chris Dodd, AIG bonuses, Countrywide insider deals

Gov Richardson-pay to play scandal (withdraws)

No. 2 at HUD Ron Sims (violates Public Records Act as Seattle area County exec)

Geithner-Tax cheat (confirmed)

Daschle-Tax cheat (withdraws)

Killefer-Tax cheat (withdraws)

DOL Secy Solis - husband tax cheat (confirmed)

Sen Burris lied about "pay to play" contacts

Auto rescuer appointee Steven Rattner (massive pay-to-play NY pension scandal) )(stepped down)

Louis Caldera, White House Military Office (ousted for $357,000 flyover NYC)

Green Czar Van Jones ousted - San/Fran Communist w/ arrest record.

Other Dem Scandals:

Cong Rangel-Tax cheat (under investigation)

Sen Franken--voted in w/ ACORN registrations

John Edwards in love child payoff w/ campaign funds

Gov Blagojevich-pay to play scandal (impeached)

Baltimore Mayor Dixon- indicted on perjury, theft charges

Racine Mayor Becker-arrested for child porn, soliciting minors

Hartford Mayor Perez- arrested for bribery

Birmingham Mayor Langford- arrested on federal charges

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick-served 99 days jailtime

Portland Mayor Adams- admitted he had gay sex with teen intern

Chicago Alderwoman Troutman-plead guilty to tax fraud and mail fraud

Monica Conyers John Coyner鈥檚 wife, Detroit City Council President implicated in Detroit bribery case

Tim Mahoney (D-FL) - Offered $121,000 payoff and $50,000 a year job for two years to quiet former mistress/staffer

Rep William J. Jefferson (D-LA) tried on 6 counts including bribery (hid $90,000 cash in freezer)

NY Gov Spitzer - fed's wiretaps out involvement in prostitution ring.

Cong Alcee Hastings ex-judge, impeached/convicted for bribery (elected to House)

Cong Carnahan (D-MO) lien filed on home for $17,364 unpaid roofer bill

Mass State Sen Dianne Wilkerson arrested on federal bribery charges (stuffed bribes in bra)

Carol Moseley Braun nailed for stealing $249,000 from her campaign treasury

Mass State Sen J. James Marzilli indicted for accosting four women (resigned)

Rep Jan Schakowsky (Dem/Socialist--ILL) husband鈥檚 bank fraud

Ex-leader of Young Democrats sentenced in Child Porn case

North Carolina Dem activist sentenced in child porn w/ kids as young as 6

Kerry's Band of Brothers member on-stage at DNC Convention (convicted for child porn)

Aide to Sen Barbara Boxer received/distributed child porn (convicted)

Child molester back working for Democrat in Hawaii Legislature

Wisconsin Dem mayor charged with child-sex crimes

Left-wing radio personality Bernie Ward (possession/distribution of child porn conviction)

Barney Frank's boyfriend ran prostitution ring at residence

Baney Frank's current live-in grows marijuana on premises

Hawaii senator got TARP funds for bank he founded.

Sen Diane Feinstein steered money to husband's businesses.

Cong John Murtha - massive fraud and corruption.

Cong Chuckles Schumer - crashed IndyMac by causing a run on assets.

42 Dem officials arrested in NJ corruption bust.|||I love people who do their homework, I give you a A+. You covered it very good. He is bad for this country and takes the Nobel Prize for being the biggest scam artist scammer in the history of the USA. That guy needs to be gone, along with all the above you mentioned. He needs to be in prison for at least life.|||No.|||Yes, you forgot one. Obama is the king of Washington and the Messiah and that is against our constitution, plus he holds total power over the right wing conspiracy theorists that ignore lists of republican mishaps equal to or longer than your post and now that Sanford, Ensign and C street are trying to live in their sins, this just brings them out in my mind more sharply.|||I take it you are not a Democrat supporter, are you a Republican, Independent or just like to type and rave or attention ?|||Allow me to examine your list.

1. The CIA and SEALS are being prosecuted because they broke our laws. When the founding fathers built this nation's constitution in 1789 they said 'hey, you know what? I don't think we should let our new country use cruel and unusual punishments'. Says it right there in the constitution. This means NO TORTURE. Ever.

2.Are you a financial expert? Can you understand the entirety of the TARP plan? IF you can then I will forgive you but till then I don't want to argue the plan.

3. Obama is an American. He has provided his birth certificate, proof of birth at a Hawaii hospital, and the surgeon general of Hawaii has vouched for him. This citizenship accusation is a thin veneer for rascist accusations against the president. He has proved his citizenship. Move on.

4. ACORN was corrupt but it only came out in the past yerar or so. And even so, the entire organization was not corrupt, a few malfeasing staffers in AZ or NM and some really stupid staffers in NYC and DC took down the organization. And of course Clinton donated to them. For his foundation which gives out millions? $250,000 is not a huge supportive donation.

5. Talking about the VP's family? really? What on earth does that have to do with politics? It is merely an underhanded attempt to attack the VP through his family. Not cool at all to diss his daughter if she has a drug issue.

6.Well if you aren't going to tell me what Rahm did wrong then I can't refute you can I?

7. Well yes, in a campaign you accept donations from everybody. Bush took money from Enron. That was actually a fraudulent company instead of an actual legit company.

8. So Nancy gets called out for "being there"? Thats not sexist at all...

9.The AIG bonuses were neccesary. If AIG doesn't give out bonuses then they can lose their talent to competitors and end up worse off than if they give the bonus.

10. Explain, in detail, what Fannie mae and Freddie mac do and get back to me...

11.Tax cheating? So how many Republicans have been caught in a tax scandal? None? Hows about not. As for the husband of the DOL secratary, this has nothing to do with her work as the secretary. Her husband is a **** up but that does not mean that she is.

12. So the government made a mistake with the NYC flyover. The government never did that under Bush...

As for the rest, well how many republicans have been caught up in scandal *cough* Valerie Plane *cough*. THe bible says let he who is without sin cast the first stone. But you got some sins so don't be throwin no stones...|||Yes - In 2004 newly elected Senator Obama made a statement to the Chicago Tribune promising that in consideration of his limited %26amp; insufficient experience.......he would not run for President in 2008.Obama also made this same statement to various Federal Politicians %26amp; Federal Law Enforcement Officers.

As such, Obama lied to a Federal Officer which, in itself, is a Felony.|||Incompetence|||Wow. Very thorough!

But, you forgot about the sex scandal with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

That's gotta be impeachable.|||This motley crew makes my friends look like upstanding pillars of the community

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